As Halloween quickly approaches, you may wonder which candy would cause the most problems for your dental health. Whether you want to take care of your teeth or protect your children, you should be mindful of the different candies available. This article will talk about sweets that are commonly listed as some of the worst candy for your teeth.
Sticky Candy
Sticky candy includes anything that will stick to your teeth. This could be bubble gum, gummy bears, caramel, and many others. When this candy gets stuck in your teeth, it’s more likely to stay on them for long periods. This will increase your teeth’s exposure to sugar and it could lead to damages and even cavities.
Hard Candy
Hard candy can cause obvious physical damage to your teeth. For example, you could bite into peppermint and it could chip your tooth or even crack one of your teeth. This could cause pain and even make your teeth sensitive to the cold. Keep in mind that some hard candy will also be sticky, so they could lead to more cavities if you aren’t careful.
Sour Candy
Sour candy exposes your teeth to lots of sugar, but it will also expose you to more acids. The increase in acidic foods could cause damage to your enamel, lead to cavities, and even form to canker sores if you eat too much sour candy. So not only will sour candy damage your teeth, but it could also cause you lots of pain and discomfort.
Popcorn Balls
Many people overlook popcorn balls and the problems they can cause for your teeth. As you eat them, the kernels and thin layers of the popcorn can easily get stuck in-between your teeth. If you don’t notice them, then the kernels could irritate and even aggravate your teeth to the point where you feel pain. They can also be difficult to remove.
Each of these candies can cause damage to your teeth if you aren’t careful, but that doesn’t mean that you should always avoid them. It just means that you need to limit how often you eat them and ensure that you properly brush your teeth. You can also avoid these candies and focus on safer ones if you want to make dental health a priority.
If you have more questions when it comes to dental health and the worst candy for your teeth, you can always give us a call. We at North View Dental offer dental services to those in the Ogden, Utah, and surrounding areas. If you want to know the answers to your teeth related questions, or if you want to set up an appointment, then you should give us a call.