There is nothing more difficult than realizing people around you know you have bad breath. It is possible gum and breath mints may not always solve the problem. There are foods available that can help. When people incorporate foods that freshen breath into their diet, they may not have to depend on anything else.
It is possible to enjoy having a meal with a significant amount of onions and garlic. In this situation, parsley could be a way to avoid having bad breath after eating such a meal. Parsley is known for having oil that can naturally freshen a person’s breath. When in a restaurant, it may be important to keep the parsley and not discard it.
Many people consider mint being able to freshen breath as obvious. It doesn’t need to be in chewing gum or a breath mint to be effective. The oil of the mint plant has been proven to have antibacterial properties. The strong scent of mint has a natural way of hiding the effects of a person’s bad breath.
Bad breath can also be naturally eliminated by sucking on a lemon wedge. It’s recommended people also chew a little of the lemon’s rind. Bad breath is eliminated from the vitamin C contained in lemons. The oil in lemon is known as citrus limousin. It is a natural fragrance as well as a natural breath freshener.
Raspberries, blueberries, and other types of berries are foods that freshen breath. They contain enzyme inhibitors that provide a natural way to have fresh breath. They are low in sugar and provide a way for a person to have a cleaner mouth after enjoying a high carbohydrate meal. Strawberries are known for having compounds that help with digestion as well as provide long-term fresh breath.
There have been recent studies showing individuals who eat unsweetened yogurt daily can decrease the level of hydrogen sulfide that exists in their mouths. This is a compound that causes bad breath. There are active cultures in yogurt, like streptococcus thermophilus and lactobacillus bulgaricus, that will combine with bacteria in a person’s mouth to eliminate bad breath. Eating unsweetened yogurt also reduces the accumulation of plaque and helps prevent periodontal disease.
Nobody can guarantee that an apple a day will keep the doctor away. However, studies have been done that show an apple can mitigate a person’s garlic breath. Apples contain polyphenols that can break down sulfur-based compounds. Apples also increase the production of saliva. This will help cleanse a person’s mouth.
One of the oldest natural remedies for bad breath is chewing on a cinnamon stick. It can freshen a person’s breath and assist in getting rid of unwanted oral bacteria. Cinnamon contains oil that kills oral bacteria. Cinnamon is known for quickly covering up bad breath and providing a nice scent.
Bad breath can also be a sign of oral health problems. If anyone wants to be certain they do not have any oral health problems, they should contact the dental professionals at North View Dental. They have a professional and comfortable office. Call them today at 801-782-6681 and schedule an appointment.