The symptoms of an illness are not always obvious. Some illnesses can cause oral pain. If you feel sick and your teeth hurt, then it is a good idea for you to schedule an appointment with your dentist.
Angina is a type of chest pain. It occurs when the heart does not get enough blood. Angina is usually a sign of coronary artery disease. Angina can also cause pain in your teeth and jaws. If you have a toothache that is accompanied by chest pain, fatigue, or nausea, then it is a good idea for you to make an appointment with your doctor.
Angina can typically be treated with medication and lifestyle changes. However, some people will be required to have surgery. Managing this condition will not only help you keep your symptoms under control, but it can also add years to your life.
Sinus Infections
If your nose feels clogged and your sick teeth hurt, then you may have a sinus infection. A sinus infection occurs when the hollow cavities in your nose become inflamed. It typically occurs after you have been exposed to a cold. A cold causes mucus to develop, which creates the perfect environment for viruses and bacteria to thrive.
The sinuses are close to the molars. That is why if you have a sinus infection, then you are likely to have tooth pain. You can use saline solutions and nasal decongestants to clear out your sinuses. However, you will have to shrink your sinuses to get long-term relief. You can also take an over-the-counter pain reliever.
Ear Infections
Because your ear is close to your jaw, you may have a toothache if you have an ear infection. An ear infection can usually clear up on its own. You can use an over-the-counter pain reliever to alleviate the pain.
Regardless of whether you have chest pain, an ear infection, or sinus infection along with your toothache, it is always a good idea for you to consult with a doctor. They can make sure that the underlying cause of the toothache is properly treated. You will also need to consult with a dentist to ensure that your toothache is not caused by a serious problem, such as an abscess.
Even if you do not have a toothache, it is still important for you to see a dentist regularly. If you are looking for a dentist, then you will need to contact North View Dental for more information. We have a comfortable and professional environment.