For centuries people have been using dental floss to get hard-to-reach areas between teeth clear of food particles and plaque film. Floss, either waxed or unwaxed, provides a way to get in between teeth and under the gums for a better cleaning than brushing alone. Today, water flossing has become a trend that has gained popularity among dental professionals and individuals alike; it is approved by the American Dental Association as an effective way to clean in between teeth. Water flossing is simply a high-pressured stream of water that shoots between the teeth, flushing out food particles and plaque.
Which Method Works Best?
Many studies have been done to answer the question of water flossing vs. traditional flossing – which is more effective? The answer is: It’s a tie. The reality is that both do an equally good job. However, one method may be better for you than the other one.
Braces and Bridges
People who have braces or bridgework may be better off choosing water flossing. The reason is simple. Braces are very hard to get traditional floss in and around. The water stream does not hang up on orthodontic appliances. You are less likely to damage dental restorations with water flossers.
People with disabilities or mobility issues like carpal tunnel syndrome or neuropathy may have a difficult time using traditional string floss. It may be considerably easier to use a water flosser.
For others, it is impractical to carry a water flosser to work or school. A roll of dental floss fits easily in a purse or bookbag. Being able to floss during breaks helps to keep teeth clean and free of food particles. It is also much easier to pack floss for vacation than to pack a water flossing system.
Personal Preference
Some people have no orthodontia or dexterity issues but still prefer a water flossing system. Others want the traditional floss to get hard-to-remove items from between teeth. It is completely up to your personal preference which method you choose.
The most important factor to remember in the war of water flossing vs. traditional flossing is floss somehow every day. Make it a part of your daily oral hygiene. If it’s easier to use dental floss, or you simply like the taste of minty floss, use that. If the quick and easy spray method is better for you – use that. As long as you are flossing daily, your teeth will be the winners of the war between the flosses.
The caring and professional staff at North View Dental can help you determine which type of flossing method would work best for you. They can also assist you with all of your dental health needs. Contact them today to schedule an appointment.