Dental emergencies are conditions associated with teeth that require immediate treatment. One way to prevent dental emergencies is to take good care of your teeth, which can be achieved by developing oral habits that enhance dental health.
Below are tips to prevent dental emergencies.
Using a mouthguard
A mouthguard is a protective appliance that cushions the teeth, gums, tongue, lips, and the cheeks’ inner lining from potential injury. Wearing a mouthguard when engaging in contact sports or high-risk recreational activities such as horse riding, mountain biking, skateboarding, football, and hockey is the highest form of protection you can give to your teeth.
Participation in sports without a mouthguard is risky as it could result in injuries like jaw fractures, broken teeth, cut lips, lacerations, or tooth loss. In the event of an accident, when engaging in sporting activities, a mouthguard absorbs shock reducing the impact of the blow on your jaws and mouth.
It is advisable for anyone with braces to wear a mouthguard while participating in sports. The mouthguard helps prevent damage to the braces and shields the teeth.
When not in use, a mouthguard should be stored appropriately, observing sanitary guidelines to avoid introducing bacteria in the mouth. A mouthguard should often be replaced because it is prone to tear and wear through regular use. Different types of mouthguards offer different levels of protection.
Avoid chewing ice and hard candy
Chewing ice and hard candy can cause chipping and cracking of the tooth enamel, compromising your oral health. Damaged enamel is susceptible to bacteria and diseases. Chewing ice is a bad habit for your teeth. The sudden change of temperature causes the enamel to expand and contract, leading to a weakened tooth structure that may cause tooth sensitivity and other teeth problems. Besides, ice has a numbing effect on gums and could injure the gum tissue without your knowledge.
Sugars present in hard candy may be the root cause of your teeth problems. Sugars are damaging to your teeth as bacteria in the mouth tend to feed on them, leading to the creation of acids that erode the tooth enamel. With damaged tooth enamel, the risk of tooth decay and cavity development is high.
Avoid using teeth as a tool
The sole function of teeth is chewing food. Teeth are not meant to tear or open items. This habit may look harmless, but it can make you susceptible to dental emergencies in due time. Using your teeth as an opener can cause chipping and cracking. Aside from that, the habit can result in jaw pain, accelerated tooth wear, and poor jaw alignment. Scissors or openers are the ideal tools for opening items.
The above measures are useful for the safety of your teeth. For inquiries and appointments, you can visit our office at North View Dental, where you are sure to get professional dental care.