Snoring is a common ailment that occurs when there is an obstruction of airflow while sleeping. The result of the obstruction is usually an unpleasant sound that can be very disturbing to those around.
Snoring might also be a sign of a health condition, such as obstructive sleep apnea or a deviated septum.
With all of the snoring solutions available, one would expect the world to be snore-free. However, many people undergo a never-ending search for the perfect solution to their snoring. Therefore, in some cases more drastic measures, such as snore therapy appliances, prove to be more advantageous. Below are some of the best appliances for snoring relief.
Mouth Guard
Mouth guards, also known as mandibular advancement devices, are designed to maintain the position of the jaws, palate, and tongue, which can become too relaxed during sleep. For example, in the case that a receding jaw causes snoring, the device keeps the jaws pushed forward to prevent airway blockage.
Mouth guards also prevent tissues in the palate from blocking airways as well as depress the tongue to keep it from falling backward, which can obstruct air.
One of the caveats of mouth guards is they may not provide a comfortable fit.
Although mouth guards may be uncomfortable at first, they are not as problematic once worn a few times. Generally, users report improvements in snoring, even with initial discomfort.
Nose Strip
Nose strips are quite common and typically work by alleviating nasal problems that cause snoring. Some people may suffer from allergies, sinusitis, cold, or flu, which can all lead to inflammation, in turn causing swelling and preventing adequate airflow.
The bands contain adhesives that stick to the nose and lift the area above the nostrils enough to open the nasal passages. The result is less snoring, which usually occurs instantly.
Chin Strap
Chin straps work similar to a mouth guard by correcting the drooping effect that occurs during sleep relaxation. This easy-to-use device keeps the jaws and throat in a more firm position, allowing more air to travel through airways.
Furthermore, the strap keeps the mouth closed during sleep. This may also prevent the unpleasant sound of snoring and enhances the effects of CPAP machines. CPAP machines force air through the throat, so closing the mouth can prevent the air from escaping.
Continuous Positive Airway Pressure was developed to rectify the obstruction associated with sleep apnea. It involves a mask that is strapped to the head, and then air is forced through the lungs through a nose piece. Although CPAPs are associated with discomfort, they are quite successful at preventing obstruction that may lead to breathing cessation.
If you are interested in any of the above snoring solutions, North View Dental provides a comfortable and professional atmosphere. Reach out to us today to learn about various snoring solutions and to schedule an appointment to determine which solution is the best fit for you.