A tooth
The Causes Of Abscessed Teeth
Tooth infections are caused by collections of bacteria that eventually form infectious pus in a specific part of a tooth.
The Different Types Of Dental Abscesses
Specific teeth infections are classified in relation to the specific portion of the tooth infected. Periapical abscesses occur at the top of tooth’s roots. Periodontal abscesses develop in the gums surrounding a tooth’s root. Gingival infections occur within the gums.
The Signs Of Tooth Infection
Specific signs of tooth infection will depend upon where along the tooth or gums the infection has developed. That said, common physical manifestations can include:

Most abscesses elicit moderate to severe discomfort in the impacted teeth and gums. This pain might occur or become exacerbated by chewing or speaking, upon lying down or moving suddenly. In certain instances, the pain might spread to other nearby bodily regions such as the jaw, neck or ears.
Inflammation caused by a tooth infection can produce swelling impacting gums and tissues surrounding the impacted area. Sometimes, swelling can also impact a stricken individual’s cheek.
An abscessed tooth may be sensitive to the touch or to temperature extremes that may be produced by hot foods such as soup or the cold produced by ice.
Swollen Lymph Nodes
If the infection spreads beyond the original location to adjacent regions of the mouth or neck, impacted lymph nodes might swell as a result.
An abscessed tooth is a bacterial infection. In certain instances, bacterial infiltration might precipitate the onset of
Other manifestations that might be signs of tooth infection include discolored teeth, loosening of impacted teeth, foul breath and a bad taste in the afflicted person’s mouth.
If left untreated, abscess-laden bacteria might travel to other regions of the body, resulting in potentially serious systemic infections.
Treating A Tooth Infection
Should someone suspect that they might have an abscessed tooth, the individual is advised to obtain care from a dental professional as soon as possible. Once the infection is confirmed, remedial efforts are geared towards stopping the infection and alleviating pain and other associated symptoms.
Depending upon the severity and location of the infection, a dentist might drain the abscess, perform a root canal or remove the impacted teeth. If evidence demonstrates that the infection might have spread, a dentist will also likely prescribe the impacted patient a course of antibiotics. Should the pain be severe or debilitating, the appropriate pain medications might also be prescribed.
Contact Us
Individuals who reside in Ogden, Utah and believe they might have a tooth infection are encouraged to contact the comfortable and professional offices of North View Dental. For more information, or to schedule an appointment, please visit https://northviewdenta.wpengine.com/.