The tongue is an important part of your body. Your tongue helps you experience different tastes and express your thoughts through speaking. With that being said, here are some interesting tongue facts that you may not be aware of.
1. The Tongue Has Several Muscles
The tongue never seems to get tired, regardless of how much people eat or talk. The tongue is also known for its flexibility. The reason that tongues are so strong and flexible is because they are made up of eight different muscles.
2. Tongues Are Often 10 Centimeters
The average tongue is about 10 centimeters long from the inside to the tip. However, some people may have even larger tongues.
3. There Are Lots Of Taste Buds
The average number of taste buds on a tongue differs from person to person. However, the average tongue contains anywhere from 2,000 to 10,000 taste buds. Be aware that your taste buds die and get replaced every few weeks. People with thousands of taste buds are known as super tasters, while people with less taste buds are called non tasters.
4. The Tongue Can Taste Everything
There are no divided areas on your tongue for tasting sour, sweet, or bitter tastes. Every area of your tongue can taste everything.
5. Genetics Play A Part
Based on genetics, some people have the ability to roll or curl their tongue. Genetic experts say that tongue behavior may be based off of inherited traits.
6. Taste Buds Can Be Hard To See
The taste buds on your tongue are basically invisible to the human eye.
7. Tongue Color Is Important
Your tongue color can help indicate how healthy your tongue is. A healthy tongue is pink. If your tongue is red, that means that you may be dealing with an infection. More serious infections can cause your tongue to get white patches on it. Make sure that your tongue gets the proper nutrients, such as iron and Vitamin B-12.
8. Your Tongue Can Gain Weight
As you gain weight, your tongue does as well. An obese tongue can cause serious problems, such as sleep apnea.
9. Your Tongue Is Unique
Your tongue is unique. Your tongue is similar to a fingerprint. In the future, there is talk that tongues may be used as a type of identification method.
10. Your Tongue Is Always Working
One of the more interesting tongue facts is that your tongue is always working. As you sleep, your tongue guides saliva into your throat. Your tongue also heals faster than many tissues in your body.
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