We are all guilty of practicing certain detrimental habits at some point in our lives. Maybe you don’t stop the car entirely at each stop sign, or perhaps you’ve been eating a lot more junk food than usual lately. Eventually, these habits become a part of us. Some of these habits go unnoticed over time until you have a decayed or missing tooth. In this piece, we will discuss some of these bad habits that can be extremely painful for your pocket and teeth.
Brushing a little too hard
Dentists recommend brushing your teeth twice a day, every day. However, bad habits for your teeth include brushing teeth a little too hard than usual. Aggressive brushing irritates gums, triggering the condition of the receding gums. Over time, your enamel might start to wear off and create an entry point for bacteria or experience tooth sensitivity. Use soft-bristled toothbrushes and be kind on your gums and teeth.
Teeth grinding
Often linked to anxiety and stress, a significant percentage of people find themselves grinding teeth, both voluntary and involuntary. The habit results in tooth loss, chipped enamel, worn-down enamel, loose teeth, and joint issues. If you notice these bad habits for your teeth among loved ones or within yourself, talk to a dentist immediately. Treatments for teeth grinding include mouth guards, stress management, medication, or bite adjustment.
Eating too many sugary treats
Too much sugar has never been beneficial to your teeth. Bacteria in your oral space thrive on sugar that creates the right breeding conditions for plaque to build-up at a faster rate. Over time, the plaque develops into tartar and slowly eats into your tooth enamel, which results in tooth decay. Experts recommend brushing and flossing your teeth after chewing on sugary treats and reducing their consumption to avoid setting the right conditions for the bacteria.
Teeth aren’t tools
High chances are, you’ve been guilty at some point for using teeth as tools. Teeth aren’t supposed to be used for opening bottle tops, ripping through packages, and cutting clothing tags. These strenuous tool-like duties cause broken teeth, chipped teeth, or missing teeth, which create the perfect entry point for more problematic issues such as tooth decay. Consider investing in the right tools for various activities and avoid using your teeth as tools.
Crushing and crunching on ice
This is yet another detrimental habit to your teeth that has long term effects on your pulp. Teeth aren’t designed to withstand the hardness and coldness in ice. Crushing ice with your teeth could cause chips and cracks, creating the right setting for tooth decay. Moreover, placing ice on teeth increases temperature sensitivity. Tooth sensitivity will have you shrieking in pain every time you sip something too cold or too hot, which no one wants.
You don’t want to deal with the consequences of stained or yellowed teeth. It’s utterly money draining. Smoking stains teeth and triggers periodontal and gum diseases, eventually leading to lost and decayed teeth. Avoid smoking at all costs.
Have you been struggling with any of the above discussed bad habits for your teeth? Don’t worry; you aren’t alone because, at North View Dental, we are ready to walk you through the right remedies. Call us now to book an appointment and speak to the experts.